Bail bonds are a kind of form of bail payment that provided on behalf of defending by a bail bond agent. People who are in the business of paying the bond on behalf of criminal defendants are called bondsmen or bail bond agents. Bail actually is not a form of a criminal sentence or punishment, if the defendant complies with bail terms and conditions will get that money returned. There are some possible outcomes in Bail Bonds Orange County when someone pays bail, such as the bail is forfeited or the bail is released back to the payer.
If you are curious about how to get the money back from the court, here’s some information you should know.
Getting Money Back from The Court in Bail Bonds Orange County
1. Bond Forfeiture
Bond forfeiture is the situations where a defendant fails to comply with any conditions that the court imposed when granting bail or when the defendant is released from custody on bail but fails to appear in court. For example, you will lose $1,000 that you pay in cash as bail if you miss your court date. In bail bonds Orange County, if the defendant fails to appear and a property bond is involved, the court can foreclose or repossess on the secured property.
2. Bail Release or Refund
The bail will be repaid to the payer upon the case conclusion if a criminal defendant is released from custody on bail. This bail repayment or release depends upon the kind of jurisdiction and kind of bail used in which the bail is paid. In other jurisdictions, like federal court does not release bail automatically upon the criminal case concludes.
The bail payer must file a document or petition with the court, and asking it for the money paid to release. In the case of a secured bond or property, the bail to release the lien on the property that used as collateral. The court should keep a small amount of the bail if it is released as an administrative or similar type fee.
Those are some information you need to know about how to get money back from the court in bail bonds Orange County.