Of the various best stock trading newsletter instruments that exist today, stock investment is predicted to be the best vehicle for investors to achieve success. How not, stock investments have very good liquidity. Transactions can be done quickly, not until a matter of days. With such good liquidity, a stock investment can potentially lead to a large increase in a year, even up to 30% more. But investing in shares also has risks for shareholders, as price increases can happen so quickly.
The price of a stock can also reverse direction quickly so that the risk of loss is greater than other investments. No wonder stock investments are classified as high-risk high return investments. The question arises, how to minimize the risk of stock investment? This time we try to summarize some strategies that can be applied if you want to plunge into stock investments. In investing in stocks, it will not always make a profit because stock prices fluctuate every day. From these volatile circumstances, sometimes the price is difficult to predict whether it will create an upward trend (bullish) or just the opposite down (bearish), so it is necessary to know how the long-term stock investment strategy. With a long-term strategy, it’s best to invest in stocks using cold money. The purpose of cold money is money that will not be needed for a thing in a certain period. So you need to plan the allocation of stock investment funds from your salary money, the amount of the allocation can be adjusted to your liking for example 20% -30% of the monthly salary.
Start investing with little funds. There is a saying that the best teacher is experience. That is what is illustrated if you plunge into the world of shares, to be able to understand how the right strategy for investing in stocks will not be enough if you only learn from a mentor or the books we read. We also need to practice, by feeling firsthand for ourselves what the real experience is like because by jumping in, you will feel the difference from what the book or mentor teaches, such as mentality and psychology. Then you also need to know how to buy and sell shares with small capital.