The sun lazily stretches over the skyline, casting a gentle glow over the retiring neighborhood. Groggily people begin to wake up; Welcome to a day in the life of our mobile auto detailing san diego professional. But where ordinary dawns promised today will be pretty much as average as any other, polished smiles and gritty laughter turn into a 24-hour gig. It ‘s not your standard 9 to 5 mode. Today is a day filled with buckets and brushes, bananas or maybe soda who ’s counting?
“Another day, another dust storm,” as Alex groans as he pulls the nozzle out of his oiling rig—it is 7:00 a.m. The scramble is already in his mind. Alex our quick-thinking detailing maestro goes fortified by coffee strong enough to raise the dead: “liquid miracle”, as he calls it. First order of business—a high-end suburban saloon in desperate need for a stunning makeover.
In front of Mrs. Thompson’s house, Alex parks and unloads his treasure chest—otherwise known as his detailing kit. “Let’s do some magic!” he grins. With a touch of exuberance and precision, or at times nonchalance, he descends from heart-shaped mud splatters to sandwich wrappers that look like they are self-organizing. You never know what kind of surprises today ’s job will have in store for you.
By mid-morning the sun is peeking over the horizon like a sharp principal. San Diego’s rays are now dancing a jig on fresh hand-waxed hoods — as if in celebration of another short-lived victory over filth. “They ought to pay me in gold dust,” tells Alex quipping as he wipes sweat from his brow. But truthfully, there’s nothing like that final swipe of cloth to reveal a car mirroring the sky above.