There are two ways to wash carpets which are brushing manually using a brush or washing them in the washing machine. However, before the washing process, you should carefully check the overall condition of the carpet. If there is any part of the carpet yarn that has been damaged or fragile, you should first confirm with the owners. The carpet is one of the textile products including household appliances is one of the easiest to get dirty because it gets stepped on a daily basis, but it is rarely washed. Often, they are only cleaned using a vacuum regularly.
So, in this article then, it will be explained how to clean a carpet properly so that your carpet will be able to be completely clean and the explanation will be below. Else, you can simply hire a emergency carpet cleaning service by ordering the services through their website, for example.
First, you need to hold the carpet on the floor and then suck out or remove dust-dust using a vacuum cleaner. We recommend using a vacuum cleaner that has types of wet & dry, so that it can be used to suck up the dust and also water. After the dust is gone, then, you need to spread the rug by hanging on a medium which is strong enough. Then, you can spray the carpet with cold water. It would be better if you use pressurized atomizer as it is commonly used to wash cars or motorcycles, so dirt and dust can be removed more leverage.
Next, you can use soap or detergents commonly used to wash clothes to clean the carpet. But if you want to wear shampoo carpets, you can do so as well. Then, you need to brush by hand or with a soft brush stemmed in part the carpets were filthy. However, you should not brush too hard so that the bristles do not fall out. Once clean, you can spray the carpet but you should not spay it too hard and let the water carry all the dirt from the carpet. You need to repeat this rinsing until clean carpet of soap and dross. That is how you clean every dirt and dust from your carpet.
Northern Beaches Carpet Cleaning
90 Mona Vale Rd, Warriewood NSW 2102
(02) 8311 0608