There are several types of chakras that you need to know, here we will explain some of them and also how to do Chakra Healing on the right chakras:
– Heart chakra
This chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love and healing. To enhance its function use essential oils scented with rose, mint, and musk. Colors that can influence it are green with a base tone of F. The stones that evoke it are malachite and pink quartz.
– Throat chakra
As the name implies, the throat chakra is located in the throat and thyroid and has a relationship with communication. Aquamarine, turquoise, and lapiz lazuli stones help awaken this chakra. Also, enhance it with essential oils scented with sage and eucalyptus and use blue and listen to music to the tune of G.
– Third eye chakra
The third eye chakra is between your eyes. This chakra is related to awareness and knowledge. Improving it can be done with mint and jasmine. In addition, the function of this chakra can also be enhanced with the color indigo or indigo and musical notes in A. The right stones for the third eye chakra are amethyst and moonstone.
– Crown chakra
The crown chakra is located above the head and is associated with spirituality and transcendence. To awaken it, use frankincense and lotus essential oils. Enhance its functionality with violet and B musical notes as well as white quartz and diamonds.
The next thing you have to do is energize each of your discs. Start with the root chakra in the lower back. Imagine the energy spinning clockwise and the energy you breathe feeding this vortex and making it stronger and brighter. Imagine another source of energy coming from the earth. It is the same life-giving energy and adds to the energy swirling in the root chakra.
Then one by one the solar plex chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the head chakra, and finally the crown chakra, each imparting life energy. Take your time with this and don’t worry about spending more time on one chakra if necessary. It is highly recommended to always do it from the bottom, in order, and don’t jump over it. Each chakra will affect the other chakras and energize the higher chakras before the lower chakras have a detrimental effect.