By getting the Meraki License Renewal you can get all the advantages of the Cisco Meraki system. The advantages of cloud-based controllers include that you don’t need to think about the scalability of your controller. If other manufacturers provide maximum limits for access points that can be managed by the controller, this is not the case with Cisco Meraki’s cloud-based controller. You can add up to thousands of access controls without having to think about the capacity of the controller. The second thing is in terms of reliability, Cisco Meraki’s cloud-based controller is everywhere in the cloud if one of their controllers dies or overloads, then another controller can take over the task.
Like other cloud applications, one of the big questions is in terms of security. Is my data safe? Before answering that question, it’s good to know how to work from Cisco Meraki’s cloud-based controller. First of all; none of your data is sent to the controller. The data sent to the controller is the access point configuration data, and the data sent is also sent with encryption. So back to the previous question; I think you can answer it yourself.
There are many advantages to this system, one of them is reducing costs. If you use this system, you don’t need to buy and download programs, because all the information you need can be stored in the cloud. In certain cases, you only need to pay for the software and storage capacity you need. From time to time, hardware and software will need an update. With the cloud, all software will be updated automatically. This will reduce costs and of course time. Work from anywhere. You can work from anywhere, as long as you can access the cloud. You don’t need to carry lots of hard disks and the like, just access them via the cloud. Faster response time. Accessing via the cloud will be faster to get the information you need. Cost savings on purchasing inventory such as infrastructure, hard drives, etc. will be reduced because users will be charged monthly compensation fees according to the service plan agreed with the Cloud Computing service provider.